Pennsylvania Direct Primary Care Association
Pennsylvania Direct Primary Care Association
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Case Studies

The Direct Primary Care practice model is thriving.

Here are reports from practicing physicians across Pennsylvania that are improving care, reducing costs, and changing the way local, front lines (primary) care is delivered.

$20K for a Throat Culture??

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DPC CASE STUDY: Deflating Costs Through DPC

The video below describes an extreme example but remains illustrative of the problem of third party payers.

Here are the costs of accessing a throat culture through the direct pay model of DPC:

**Office visit-no charge

**Collection fee-$5.00

**Bacterial culture (strep)-$10.77

**Viral culture - $80.00

Viral culture includes: adenovirus, CMV, enterovirus, HSV, influenza, mumps, parainfluenza, RSV, and V-Z cell culture-may be additional charge to to identify by flourescent culture or other methods if necessary, but no where even close to $20K+

See @ZDoggMD excellent video. 


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba