Pennsylvania Direct Primary Care Association
Pennsylvania Direct Primary Care Association
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Case Studies

The Direct Primary Care practice model is thriving.

Here are reports from practicing physicians across Pennsylvania that are improving care, reducing costs, and changing the way local, front lines (primary) care is delivered.

Medicine or Meals?!?
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DPC CASE STUDY - Meds or Meals?

35 year old patient with history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, depression, on total of 6 medications, looses job & has no more health insurance.

What happens next? The patient is forced to stop all medications because they cannot afford office visits/medications.

Direct Primary Care #DPC to the rescue!

- All 6 medications costs = $2.50/day ($75/month) 

- Patient needs WEEKLY visits in a month to get her medications re-started and increased.

- Needs an EKG which is FREE in our DPC doctor’s office!

- All visits covered for monthly medical service fee of $50/mo!

Patient finds high deductible health insurance plan to cover specialist care and catastrophic issues for low monthly premium and stays with Pennsylvania DPC practice for affordable Primary Care services, no copays, unrestricted access and wholesale services. 

Subscribe to a DPC doctor’s office today to drive costs down and access to care up in emergencies.

#DPC #CostSavings #CriticalCare

Find a local DPC doctor’s office at

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
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DPC CASE STUDY - Chest Pain -

55 year old male presents with chest pain for 1 week duration. Patient has high cholesterol, hypertension and family history of heart disease.

He could go to the ER and spend up to 12 hours waiting, and spends thousands of dollars ($$$) for visit, blood work and a stress test.

- OR -

Direct Primary Care Physician can call Cardiology and get him in the SAME DAY for an acute new patient visit with the Cardiologist for $135.00 and a stress test for $75.00!

((In this case - Patient was a DPC subscriber, had an EKG in doctor’s office prior to referral to Cardiology. Negative for ischemia or previous myocardial damage.))

Physician can also start him on an 81 mg Baby Aspirin for 30 cents/month and refill his Blood Pressure medicine, atenolol 50 mg twice daily, for 6 cents/day and his cholesterol med, atorvastatin 10mg once daily for 10 cents/day!

Direct Primary Care doctors typically provide immediate response and spring into action without needing to get up to speed on your medical history. They KNOW you! 

Subscribe to a DPC doctor’s office today to drive costs down and access to care up in emergencies.

#DPC #CostSavings #CriticalCare

Find a local DPC doctor’s office at

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Making House Calls in Times of COVID-19 (Copy)

DPC CASE STUDY - Out of Pocket Primary Services (DPC vs Insurance)
Patient age: 55
Procedure: 30 minute office visit for multiple issues including labs (CMP TSH U/A FLP PSA) & EKG.
DPC Cost: $75 monthly membership fee, $16.25 for labs (total=$91.25). NO copay! NO charge for EKG! NO charge for office visit! No charge for another visit if needed. Submit labs to HSA for reimbursement!
Insurance Cost: 10 minute (or less) visit, $20 copay, $150.00 visit charge, and EKG billed to insurance for $60.00, hundreds of dollars billed same blood work(total approx= $500.00 +++), all will be applied to large deductible! Plus patient will have to wait 3 weeks for another visit if needed, for another copay and wait an hour in waiting room.
You do the math!!! #DPC #CostSavings #InsuranceFree

Find a local DPC doctor’s office at

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Making House Calls in Times of COVID-19


Innovate when you are an independent doctor practice like #DPC. A Pennsylvania DPC practice needed to continue blood draws of elderly patients - among the highest at risk for COVID-19.

Enter this practice’s MA (Medical Assistant) extraordinaire! She MADE the mobile phlebotomy kit shown and maintains continuity of care!

Direct Primary Care innovates when challenges arise because no bureaucracy gets in the way of your care. Subscribe today like you would a gym and keep your care!

Find a local DPC doctor’s office at

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Save Thousands on Emergencies
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From a PA DPC Practice - “Avoiding the ER or Urgent Care TO Save thousands of your $$$”

It was a same day visit for this very ill 58 year old new patient...

She required medication and a chest x-ray (CXR).

We prorated her 1st month's membership, as we always do for our new patients who sign up after the 1st of the month, and saw her THAT DAY IN THE OFFICE.

Urgent Care with a CXR, meds would have cost HUNDREDS $$!

ER with CXR, meds would have cost THOUSANDS $$$!

Her cost at DPC=$48.51 (CXR) + $16.62 (meds) + $69.64 (prorated 1st month's membership) = $134.77 !!

Find a local DPC doctor’s office at

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Crushing Costs
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DPC CASE STUDY - Crushing Costs

From eastern PA DPC Dr’s office - 4 yrs of average costs for prescriptions, labs and imaging.  50%, 70%, even 90% of savings for patients with no middleman markups and a health care insider (your physician) looking out for you!


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
The Ultimate Employer Perk!
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Small Biz CASE STUDY! - Can’t afford health insurance? Take care of your team with DPC through a local doctor or two!
It even works for government! (Got to be great to pull that off, huh?):

DPC CASE STUDY - A school district in La Crosse, WI used Direct Primary Care for its employees in 2017.

There was $1.5 Million in savings for school district employees in health care costs.

Additionally, there was no increase in cost of the school district’s health care plan the following year.

The city of La Crosse has ASO implemented DPC services with its health care plan and…

Already they have saved TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars with a reduced number of claims submitted through the traditional system!

See original report -


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
$20K for a Throat Culture??
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DPC CASE STUDY: Deflating Costs Through DPC

The video below describes an extreme example but remains illustrative of the problem of third party payers.

Here are the costs of accessing a throat culture through the direct pay model of DPC:

**Office visit-no charge

**Collection fee-$5.00

**Bacterial culture (strep)-$10.77

**Viral culture - $80.00

Viral culture includes: adenovirus, CMV, enterovirus, HSV, influenza, mumps, parainfluenza, RSV, and V-Z cell culture-may be additional charge to to identify by flourescent culture or other methods if necessary, but no where even close to $20K+

See @ZDoggMD excellent video. 


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Telemedicine with Personal Touch
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DPC CASE STUDY: From Arrow Primary Care
Attention business owners...A patient just called me directly from work with a painful rash near her waistline. I took a history over the phone. The patient texted me a picture of the rash.

Diagnosis: Shingles

Treatment: Acyclovir ($7.75 from my office vs $44 at her local pharmacy). Other instructions given over the phone.

Patient doesn't miss any work and saved money. Win-Win.

NOTE: Employers can subscribe to a local physician and add it as a benefit for employees. No co-pays and no extra cost for the employer or employee to talk or text or email or see their doctor.


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Patient Costs: 9 Year Old Bronchitis Patient
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DPC CASE STUDY: From PA DPC physician
9 year-old, new to #DPC, has bronchitis and hives - seen the same day.
Azithromycin suspension: $ 10.78 Oral prednisone: $0.14/pill Generic Claritin: $ 0.11/pill
Monthly cost for medical services (child) = $ 10.00
No Charge: Follow up visit 
No Charge: After hours access through text, email, phone.


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Urgent Care Costs: From PA Physician in DPC Practice
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New Direct Primary Care Patient Case Study:
It was a same day visit for this very ill 58 year old new patient...
She required medication and a chest xray.
We prorated her 1st month's membership (as we always do for our new patients who sign up after the 1st of the month) and saw her THAT DAY IN THE OFFICE.

Her cost at Pennsylvania based Direct Primary Care Doctor's office"
• $48.51 Chest X-ray
• $16.62 medications
• $69.64 Membership (prorated 1st month's membership)
TOTAL - $134.77 !!

Compare - 
Urgent Care Appointment with a Chest X-ray (CXR) and meds would have cost HUNDREDS of DOLLARS!
Hospital Emergency Room (ER) with CXR, meds would have cost THOUSANDS of Dollars!

-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues in PADPCA for best practices.
Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba
Patient Costs: From Pennsylvania Physician in DPC Practice

35 year old female.

Has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, depression & takes 6 different medications for these issues.
Looses her job & has no more health insurance.
She is forced to stop all of her meds because she cannot afford office visits/medications.
She looks for physicians/medical offices offering afforadable alternatives for cash prices.

Finds Direct Primary Care practice:
Medical service fee to be a patient is $60/month 

Care & Cost Efficiencies:

  • All 6 medications costs = $2.50/day ($75/month)

  • Initial WEEKLY visits until we get her medications re-started at NO EXTRA COST.

  • Needs an EKG, included, no EXTRA COST!

Note: To complement DPC subscription care, the patient finds high deductible plan (HDHP) to cover specialist care and catastrophic issues for low monthly premium.
This patient LOVES her affordable Primary Care services, no copays, unrestricted access and wholesale services.


-- For Patients: Learn about Direct Primary Care and find an independent doctor near you.
-- For Doctors: Study the practice model and find colleagues for best practices.

Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.

Kim Corba