DPC CASE STUDY - Chest Pain -
55 year old male presents with chest pain for 1 week duration. Patient has high cholesterol, hypertension and family history of heart disease.
He could go to the ER and spend up to 12 hours waiting, and spends thousands of dollars ($$$) for visit, blood work and a stress test.
- OR -
Direct Primary Care Physician can call Cardiology and get him in the SAME DAY for an acute new patient visit with the Cardiologist for $135.00 and a stress test for $75.00!
((In this case - Patient was a DPC subscriber, had an EKG in doctor’s office prior to referral to Cardiology. Negative for ischemia or previous myocardial damage.))
Physician can also start him on an 81 mg Baby Aspirin for 30 cents/month and refill his Blood Pressure medicine, atenolol 50 mg twice daily, for 6 cents/day and his cholesterol med, atorvastatin 10mg once daily for 10 cents/day!
Direct Primary Care doctors typically provide immediate response and spring into action without needing to get up to speed on your medical history. They KNOW you!
Subscribe to a DPC doctor’s office today to drive costs down and access to care up in emergencies.
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Made possible through an innovation grant of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.